C:\Users\thinkpig007>cd G:\
C:\Users\thinkpig007>cd G:\download
C:\Users\thinkpig007>cd g:\download\kali-linux-1.0.7-amd64
'fciv.exe' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
C:\Users\thinkpig007>G:\download\kali-linux-1.0.7-amd64\fciv.exe --help
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
Missing flag: -xml
Usage: fciv.exe [Commands] <Options>
Commands: ( Default -add )
-add <file | dir> : Compute hash and send to output (default screen).
dir options:
-r : recursive.
-type : ex: -type *.exe.
-exc file: list of directories that should not be computed.
-wp : Without full path name. ( Default store full path)
-bp : specify base path to remove from full path name
-list : List entries in the database.
-v : Verify hashes.
: Option: -bp basepath.
-? -h -help : Extended Help.
-md5 | -sha1 | -both : Specify hashtype, default md5.
-xml db : Specify database format and name.
To display the MD5 hash of a file, type fciv.exe filename
C:\Users\thinkpig007>G:\download\kali-linux-1.0.7-amd64\fciv.exe -mdt
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
Missing flag: -xml
Usage: fciv.exe [Commands] <Options>
Commands: ( Default -add )
-add <file | dir> : Compute hash and send to output (default screen).
dir options:
-r : recursive.
-type : ex: -type *.exe.
-exc file: list of directories that should not be computed.
-wp : Without full path name. ( Default store full path)
-bp : specify base path to remove from full path name
-list : List entries in the database.
-v : Verify hashes.
: Option: -bp basepath.
-? -h -help : Extended Help.
-md5 | -sha1 | -both : Specify hashtype, default md5.
-xml db : Specify database format and name.
To display the MD5 hash of a file, type fciv.exe filename
C:\Users\thinkpig007>G:\download\kali-linux-1.0.7-amd64\fciv.exe -?
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
Usage: fciv.exe [Commands] <Options>
Commands: ( Default -add )
-add <file | dir> : Compute hash and send to output (default screen).
dir options:
-r : recursive.
-type : ex: -type *.exe.
-exc file: list of directories that should not be computed.
-wp : Without full path name. ( Default store full path)
-bp : specify base path to remove from full path name
-list : List entries in the database.
-v : Verify hashes.
: Option: -bp basepath.
-? -h -help : Extended Help.
-md5 | -sha1 | -both : Specify hashtype, default md5.
-xml db : Specify database format and name.
To display the MD5 hash of a file, type fciv.exe filename
Compute hashes:
fciv.exe c:\mydir\myfile.dll
fciv.exe c:\ -r -exc exceptions.txt -sha1 -xml dbsha.xml
fciv.exe c:\mydir -type *.exe
fciv.exe c:\mydir -wp -both -xml db.xml
List hashes stored in database:
fciv.exe -list -sha1 -xml db.xml
fciv.exe -v -sha1 -xml db.xml
fciv.exe -v -bp c:\mydir -sha1 -xml db.xml
C:\Users\thinkpig007>G:\download\kali-linux-1.0.7-amd64\fciv.exe G:\download\kal
i-linux-1.0.7-amd64\kali-linux-1.0.7-amd64.iso -both
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
c3dc746174488960eb0f1644bac2436f 6deb789fa05d84cd335d5afb86983119784dd978 g:\dow